I've worked on assignments across the world for a wide range of charities and media. Clients include: Action Aid, Amref, British Red Cross, CARE International, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Sight Savers International, Unicef, Reuters, The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Times Magazine. 
Please visit my STORIES collection to see features I have shot, and my PUBLICATIONS page to see examples of where my work has been published.
A Southern Sudanese boy drinks water from the Aquem river, north of Bahr er Gazal.
A Southern Sudanese boy drinks water from the Aquem river, north of Bahr er Gazal.
Two children stand together as heavy rain falls in a camp of over 18,000 people displaced by post election violence in Kenya's Rift Valley.  Feburary, 2008.
Two children stand together as heavy rain falls in a camp of over 18,000 people displaced by post election violence in Kenya's Rift Valley. Feburary, 2008.
Maria, 25, in the tunnels at Elephant and Castle where she spent time rough sleeping, on her own.  (An image from 'Where from? Where now? A project exploring women’s homelessness - See STORIES).
Maria, 25, in the tunnels at Elephant and Castle where she spent time rough sleeping, on her own. (An image from 'Where from? Where now? A project exploring women’s homelessness - See STORIES).
A woman carries water along Kenya's railway line which runs through Kibera slum, in Nairobi, one of the largest slums in Africa.
A woman carries water along Kenya's railway line which runs through Kibera slum, in Nairobi, one of the largest slums in Africa.
A young child is weighed at a health centre in Juba, Southern Sudan.
A young child is weighed at a health centre in Juba, Southern Sudan.
Signs of slavery; special anklets that indicate the slave caste. Niger.
Signs of slavery; special anklets that indicate the slave caste. Niger.
The sleeping site of a rough sleeper. Southwark, London. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
The sleeping site of a rough sleeper. Southwark, London. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
A man protests in Nairobi's Kibera slum, against police attempts to block rallies called by the losing opposition Orange Democratic Movement following Kenya's disputed 2007 general election.
A man protests in Nairobi's Kibera slum, against police attempts to block rallies called by the losing opposition Orange Democratic Movement following Kenya's disputed 2007 general election.
Maria, 25. Tattoo of her daughter's name on her arm.  An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES to read Maria’s full story).
Maria, 25. Tattoo of her daughter's name on her arm. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES to read Maria’s full story).
A worshipper reads her bible at St George’s church, one of 13 monolithic churches dotted around the high plateau of Lalibela, medival capital of orthodox Christian Ethiopia.
A worshipper reads her bible at St George’s church, one of 13 monolithic churches dotted around the high plateau of Lalibela, medival capital of orthodox Christian Ethiopia.
A victim of Rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with her daughter conceived during the attack.
A victim of Rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with her daughter conceived during the attack.
Holi Ladu. The 1st day of the week long festivities to celebrate Holi in village of Barsana, North India.
Holi Ladu. The 1st day of the week long festivities to celebrate Holi in village of Barsana, North India.
A mother gives her thirsty child a drink by the Aquem river, Southern Sudan.
A mother gives her thirsty child a drink by the Aquem river, Southern Sudan.
The Millennium in Ethiopia. A priest prepares to celebrate mass at St George’s church, one of 13 monolithic churches in Lalibela, the medival capital of orthodox Christian Ethiopia.   The country’s unique calender runs almost eight years behind the West’s – So New Years Eve 1999 celebrations fell on 11th September, 2007.
The Millennium in Ethiopia. A priest prepares to celebrate mass at St George’s church, one of 13 monolithic churches in Lalibela, the medival capital of orthodox Christian Ethiopia. The country’s unique calender runs almost eight years behind the West’s – So New Years Eve 1999 celebrations fell on 11th September, 2007.
Fridah, 15, won the Low Vision 100mx4 senior relay, at the Kenyan Annual National Games and Sport for Special Schools.
Fridah, 15, won the Low Vision 100mx4 senior relay, at the Kenyan Annual National Games and Sport for Special Schools.
An 11 year old survivor at the remains of a church burnt on 1st January 2008, where at least 18 people died, during post election violence in Kenya.
An 11 year old survivor at the remains of a church burnt on 1st January 2008, where at least 18 people died, during post election violence in Kenya.
A young girl carries around 40kgs of rocks out of Adidi gold mine in Eastern DRC. (See the STORIES for the full feature.)
A young girl carries around 40kgs of rocks out of Adidi gold mine in Eastern DRC. (See the STORIES for the full feature.)
Muddy hills wind for miles and miles around the Kenyan town of Eldoret, the home and training ground of some of the world’s fastest athletes.
Muddy hills wind for miles and miles around the Kenyan town of Eldoret, the home and training ground of some of the world’s fastest athletes.
 Nobikana Mary, 43, hoists up to 50 kgs of rocks onto her back with the help of two men. Her husband has TB and is very weak. They have nine children. “There is no one else to help me." Adidi mine, North Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. (See STORIES for the full feature)
Nobikana Mary, 43, hoists up to 50 kgs of rocks onto her back with the help of two men. Her husband has TB and is very weak. They have nine children. “There is no one else to help me." Adidi mine, North Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. (See STORIES for the full feature)
Opposition supporters injured by police during demonstrations soon before the announcement of Zanzibar's 2005 election results.
Opposition supporters injured by police during demonstrations soon before the announcement of Zanzibar's 2005 election results.
 A five year old girl cares for her year old sister whilst attending informal education in a displaced persons camp in West Darfur, Sudan.
A five year old girl cares for her year old sister whilst attending informal education in a displaced persons camp in West Darfur, Sudan.
 Tibetan lamas enjoy a joke shared by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Nottingham, 2008.
Tibetan lamas enjoy a joke shared by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Nottingham, 2008.
 February 2008. Families displaced by the recent post election violence in the Kenyan town of Naivasha seek temporary shelter at the police station.
February 2008. Families displaced by the recent post election violence in the Kenyan town of Naivasha seek temporary shelter at the police station.
 young girl carries up to 40 kgs of rocks, on her back, out of Adidi gold mine in north eastern Congo. (See STORIES for the full feature)
young girl carries up to 40 kgs of rocks, on her back, out of Adidi gold mine in north eastern Congo. (See STORIES for the full feature)
Vultures watch a lone safari van pass in Kenya's Masai Mara Game Reserve, which is almost empty of tourists despite this being high season.  The number of holiday makers visiting the country has dropped by 95% following election violence in 2007..
Vultures watch a lone safari van pass in Kenya's Masai Mara Game Reserve, which is almost empty of tourists despite this being high season. The number of holiday makers visiting the country has dropped by 95% following election violence in 2007..
A camel carrying tourists up to Tibet's first palace, Yumbu Lhakang, looks out over the Yarlung Valley.
A camel carrying tourists up to Tibet's first palace, Yumbu Lhakang, looks out over the Yarlung Valley.
 "Amanda".  A 44 year old homeless woman in London, begs in Central London. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
"Amanda". A 44 year old homeless woman in London, begs in Central London. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
A young child tries to carry a water gerrican in an IDP camp in West Darfur, Sudan.
A young child tries to carry a water gerrican in an IDP camp in West Darfur, Sudan.
A Maasai woman, Kenya.
A Maasai woman, Kenya.
A Malawian woman has her eyes tested at a bi-annual screening in her community. Cataract, glaucoma and conjuntivitis are the most common eye conditions.
A Malawian woman has her eyes tested at a bi-annual screening in her community. Cataract, glaucoma and conjuntivitis are the most common eye conditions.
.A young Nigerien girl from the slave caste collects water from a traditional well in far west Niger.
.A young Nigerien girl from the slave caste collects water from a traditional well in far west Niger.
 Women displaced by post election violence in Kenya, including one who fled a torched church where at least 18 people died, carry belongings to a place of refuge.
Women displaced by post election violence in Kenya, including one who fled a torched church where at least 18 people died, carry belongings to a place of refuge.
 A view over London from an estate in Southwark where rough sleepers are regularly seen bedding down in the stairwells. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
A view over London from an estate in Southwark where rough sleepers are regularly seen bedding down in the stairwells. An image from Where From? Where Now? A documentary exploring women’s homelessness (see STORIES).
Monks prepare bread at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, India
Monks prepare bread at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, India
An elderley lady in Tibet
An elderley lady in Tibet
Men from Kenya's Maasai tribe perform a traditional dance in Enkereri Village in the Masai Mara National Reserve.
Men from Kenya's Maasai tribe perform a traditional dance in Enkereri Village in the Masai Mara National Reserve.
A Mountain Gorilla, Virunga National Park, Eastern DR Congo
A Mountain Gorilla, Virunga National Park, Eastern DR Congo
A young girl from Niger's slave caste in west Niger ties a heavy goat-skin water pouch to the donkey.
A young girl from Niger's slave caste in west Niger ties a heavy goat-skin water pouch to the donkey.
School time, South Sudan
School time, South Sudan
Young monks collect their food, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Southern India
Young monks collect their food, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Southern India
South Sudan. Women from the nomadic Umbararu tribe from West Africa
South Sudan. Women from the nomadic Umbararu tribe from West Africa
Sandstone Mosque, Taj Mahal, North India.
Sandstone Mosque, Taj Mahal, North India.
Southern Sudanese woman returns home after the civil war
Southern Sudanese woman returns home after the civil war
A girl collects water in Southern Sudan.
A girl collects water in Southern Sudan.
Northern Kenya
Northern Kenya
South Sudan
South Sudan
Maasai Women carry heavy loads of river water back to their village in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve.
Maasai Women carry heavy loads of river water back to their village in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve.
Elephants, Kenya
Elephants, Kenya
A Maasai man looks over Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.
A Maasai man looks over Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.
A Maasai elder, Kenya
A Maasai elder, Kenya
Harvesting near Gyantse in Tibet.
Harvesting near Gyantse in Tibet.
Tashi Lhunpo monastery, Tibet.
Tashi Lhunpo monastery, Tibet.
Two giraffes look over Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.
Two giraffes look over Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.
A community member speaks out at a Gacaca court session, Rwanda. During the hearing the accused (eight on this day, dressed in pink) face the community where they committed the atrocities during the 1994 genocide and speak in detail of their crimes as survivors witness and respond to the statements. August 2005.
A community member speaks out at a Gacaca court session, Rwanda. During the hearing the accused (eight on this day, dressed in pink) face the community where they committed the atrocities during the 1994 genocide and speak in detail of their crimes as survivors witness and respond to the statements. August 2005.
Outside The Potala Palace, Lhasa
Outside The Potala Palace, Lhasa
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